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hurricane season Miami

Hurricane Readiness for Pet Owners During COVID-19 Hurricane season has one more complication in 2020- the COVID-19 pandemic. We must prepare as we always do for hurricanes with the added variable of a highly-contagious virus. These are our updated readiness guidelines for pet owners in the time of coronavirus.    Start preparing TODAY. Don’t wait until you hear there is a tropical storm forming to do your typical preparations- do them right away. Because of […]
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  Prepare your pets for hurricane season June 1st marks the beginning of hurricane season for the coastal states. The media does an excellent job covering any sign of a tropical storm or hurricane from the very first rain drop. As Floridians we are knowledgeable on how to prepare and take action if we have a power outage, survive without running water or in the worst case forced to evacuate. But what about your furry […]
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