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Doggy Rockstar: Cleo the Basset Hound


Smiles Across Coral Gables! Pet highlight:  Cleopatra the Basset Hound

Our pet sitter Mike has written a blog spotlight on one of his favorite dog walking clients in Coral Gables, Miss Cleo the Basset Hound. Please enjoy!

Cleo, the Queen of Coral Gables

Coral Gables is a busy district during the weekdays.  People can be seen commuting to work on the streets by car, by foot, by bicycle, etc.  Most people are just focused to get to their destination so they don’t notice any local attractions…until they see Cleo.

Cleo owns Coral Gables.  Every day she walks the streets with one of her human dog walkers (like me).  Mornings are special for her and the locals.  Everyone is starting their day and Cleo is around to greet them.  Her big floppy ears dancing around along with her droopy face can make the sternest person smile.

Every time I pick her up at her residence, she gets excited.  She knows my arrival means that she will be walking the streets and meeting lots of people.  I can imagine the excitement Cleo has when I arrive her residence.  She’s expressing ideas like “Hello Mr. Mike, it is great to see you again and happy you stopped by!  Let’s go for a walk and meet some nice people!  I know they’re around!  Pretty please pretty please!”

During the evenings, she can be seen walking by nightlife locations off Miracle Mile and some of the food spots off Ponce De Leon Blvd.  People notice her and appreciate her presence.

5Quiet adventure in Coral Gables

During the weekend mornings, it is nice and quiet.  Cleo can be seen walking by the active folks at Orange Theory Fitness off Salzedo street.  Sometimes she passes by the police and fire stations to say hi too. Cleo loves people.  She loves meeting people (even children) all the time during her walks.


She frequents Miracle Mile, Alhambra Plaza, Ponce Circle Park, Pittman Park, and many other spots.  Walking by Coral Gables Elementary School in the mornings is very rewarding to her.  Parents bring their children to school, and some can get a chance to see Cleo walk by.  She sees kids and her tail wags, smiles surface.

When you’re in Coral Gables, do keep an eye out for Cleo…and get ready to smile 🙂


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