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Professional Pet Sitting &
Dog Walking Services In Miami

dogs Miami

  Your Dog Would Never Bite Your Child or Your Pet Sitter, Right? Our pet sitters know a whole lot about dogs, cats, and the myriad of endearing little animals we care for throughout Miami, but we constantly seek additional education in our field. Pet sitters Flavia Berti and Tom Wyss attended the Dog Bite Investigation Seminar sponsored by No Kill Nation, Inc. and the Miami Coalition Against Breed-Speicific Legislation on April 25, 2013. Jim Crosby, a […]
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Happy Hump Day! Did you know that dogs can smile? We know because they love, love, love going on dog walks (or runs) with us. Exactly like Buddy, here! He’s a lucky English Lab rescued recently by his awesome mom; she loves him so much she’s hired our dog walkers to run with him not once, but four times a week! His runs keep him smiling and in great shape, too. If you want your […]
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It is within the realm of possibility that your dog may bite someone one day. Learn about dog bite statistics and situations on our blog.
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Use Your Credit Card to Book Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Appointments in Miami! As you are setting up your pet sitting and dog walking appointments, we’d like to give you a friendly reminder that we are switching completely to CREDIT CARDS by November 1st! So when you book for Thanksgiving and other holidays, it will be that much more convenient. Please log in to Power Pet Sitter to add your information today: https://www.powerpetsitter.net/login.aspx?bid=4223 […]
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