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The Catio: A Must for Cat Safety and Fun!

Catio cat patio Miami

Our pet sitter Ashley recently moved down to Miami from central Florida, and of course she brought Oscar, her beloved cat, with her. Oscar was used to a patio and more of a country-style life; Ashley and her kitty moved into a condo downtown. Being the great pet parent that she is, Ashley found the Catio, just the right toy to help keep Oscar safe on their balcony and happy in his transition into their new lifestyle. She reviews it for us here.

“After moving from a home in central Florida where my cat, Oscar, had a large screened in patio to roam, play, and bird watch, his new home in a high-rise in downtown Miami has certainly been a transition. For months I have debated on how to give him his outdoor space safely, as I don’t trust him free roaming on my 15th floor balcony. I couldn’t enjoy sitting outside or the amazing view because I felt so guilty enjoying the outdoors while Oscar was meowing at me behind the glass.

After stalking the newly trending “catio” on Pinterest, envying everything from elaborate expensive enclosures to the most basic outdoor space, I finally made a decision and ordered the perfect catio. Oscar is extremely active so I found kittywalk.com which has these amazing long outdoor enclosures so Oscar can pace and explore the length of the patio while being safe outdoors. It came in an awesome travel case and was super easy to put together- taking under 10 minutes, and Oscar was instantly a fan, jumping in before it was even outdoors. I can now relax on my balcony with Oscar safely exploring and enjoying the view with me! The “catio” is a huge success!”

We wholeheartedly advocate keeping cats indoors for their own safety and for the safety of our sweet wildlife. The catio is a perfect mix of adventure and security… Will you be trying a catio out for your beloved cats?

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